Fractal Friday 2020.10.23 – three warped Julia Sets

Made with MathPaint, here are three Julia Set images warped by an additional real-valued function and with some custom color mapping. The third image, using assigned color bands instead of gradients, also includes some Perlin noise mixed in. Enjoy! Sign up to the MathPaint News and Tips list for information on the upcoming MathPaint release and … Read moreFractal Friday 2020.10.23 – three warped Julia Sets

Fractal Friday 2020.10.16 – Julia Set variations with 5+ colors

Images made with MathPaint, using the Variations feature to generate different possibilities. I made an improvement this week – the variations random-selection code will now also vary the assigned value of colors (as well as altering colors themselves, and fractal parameters like C and breakout value).

Enjoy! You can sign up on the MathPaint mailing list to get Fractal Friday and MathPaint art and announcements in your in-box.


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Fractal Friday 2020.10.09 – Julia-set contour variations

Fractal Friday is back! With the public beta of MathPaint very close, I’ll be sharing more art created in testing. This week’s supply comes from the Variations feature (along the same line as the recent Tiled Polar Variations post). In this case we start with a Julia Set fractal drawn in edge-contour mode, and generate several variations, keeping the ones we like. Enjoy!

Read moreFractal Friday 2020.10.09 – Julia-set contour variations

Tiled Polar Variations (23 rapidly-generated images)

Tonight I tested out both the new MathPaint Image Builder Wizard and the Variations window to quickly generate these images. The underlying model is a polar graph with a zoom-repeater applied and a CoreImage twelvefold-tiling feature. The first image was really easy to create playing with the Image Builder – I’m very excited to get it out with the next beta! The variations are created instantly, 8 at a time, in the Variations window – I found about 1 or 2 of each auto-generated batch aesthetically appealing. (I am expecting some day to hook up some machine learning to this feature so you can teach MathPaint about your aesthetic preferences – but for now it’s just cleverly randomized).

Here are all 23 generated images – enjoy!

generative art image

Read moreTiled Polar Variations (23 rapidly-generated images)

MathPaint 1.0 will feature Image Builder Wizard for step-by-step generative graphics

screen shot of image builder wizard in MathPaint

Generating graphics from mathematical models can seem daunting, but almost everyone loves the cool symmetry, fractals, and unexpected shapes that math can create.

MathPaint, the flagship generative graphics app from Mathaesthetics, will make it simple to create amazing mathematical images with an innovative Image Builder Wizard interface. With a step-by-step creative activity using a subset of the full MathPaint options anyone can generate amazing images on their first launch of MathPaint, with virtually no learning curve.The Image Builder Wizard lets you get familiar with all of the major areas of MathPaint – plots, geometry, fractals, noise, image effects – so that transitioning to the more powerful document interface will be easier.

Read moreMathPaint 1.0 will feature Image Builder Wizard for step-by-step generative graphics

New website, MathPaint beta, free wallpapers!

Today I’m happy to announce the launch of a new Mathaesthetics website. We’ve migrated away from the original blogger website and one result is that these pages are now much better for viewing on a mobile device.

The new website also has a better back-end architecture to support software services and downloads, and to grow as a hub for our virtual community.

Read moreNew website, MathPaint beta, free wallpapers!

Fractal Friday 2020.03.13

* UPDATE * we have 2 weeks to go on our IndieGogo campaign for MathPaint! Please support the release of this great new generative-art application. You can also pre-order it for 10% off! While zooms are the most common type of fractal animations, I really enjoy the results of animating by gradually shifting a … Read moreFractal Friday 2020.03.13

Fractal Friday 2020.02.28

For today’s post I’m showing off some the Apple Core Image effects capabilities built into MathPaint, with three Julia set fractals. By the way, MathPaint’s release is now close enough for crowdfunding – please see our MathPaint IndieGoGo campaign for details, and a video of the application in action! For each Julia set in this … Read moreFractal Friday 2020.02.28