Fractal Friday 2020.10.16 – Julia Set variations with 5+ colors

Images made with MathPaint, using the Variations feature to generate different possibilities. I made an improvement this week – the variations random-selection code will now also vary the assigned value of colors (as well as altering colors themselves, and fractal parameters like C and breakout value).

Enjoy! You can sign up on the MathPaint mailing list to get Fractal Friday and MathPaint art and announcements in your in-box.


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Tiled Polar Variations (23 rapidly-generated images)

Tonight I tested out both the new MathPaint Image Builder Wizard and the Variations window to quickly generate these images. The underlying model is a polar graph with a zoom-repeater applied and a CoreImage twelvefold-tiling feature. The first image was really easy to create playing with the Image Builder – I’m very excited to get it out with the next beta! The variations are created instantly, 8 at a time, in the Variations window – I found about 1 or 2 of each auto-generated batch aesthetically appealing. (I am expecting some day to hook up some machine learning to this feature so you can teach MathPaint about your aesthetic preferences – but for now it’s just cleverly randomized).

Here are all 23 generated images – enjoy!

generative art image

Read moreTiled Polar Variations (23 rapidly-generated images)