Fractal Friday! 2019.11.29

It’s Fractal Friday! As always you can click the images below to see them full-size. This week’s fractal images highlight two new features added to the application I’m developing: color cycles, and Nth-degree fractal expressions. A color cycle is an an array of colors used to render the fractal pixels. The renderer cycles through them … Read moreFractal Friday! 2019.11.29

Fractal Friday! 2019.11.22

This week’s images are mostly from the same region, x-axis: (-1.308, 0.567), y-axis (-0.542, 1.351). I started with the Douady rabbit – setting C to -0.123 + 0.745i, with max iterations for these renderings set to 32 and the escape radius set to 1000.0. Each of the following is produced by an adjustment to C … Read moreFractal Friday! 2019.11.22

Strawberry vector fields forever

My new vector field renderer prototype is chugging along, and combined with hooking up .png output to the app I was able to make a couple of little animations with it. The vector function is a combination of trig and exponentiation (mixing up x and y to keep things interesting across the plane). These animated … Read moreStrawberry vector fields forever

Fractal Friday! 2019.11.15

This week I’m beginning a new series of postings, to celebrate the implementation of a fractal renderer in our flagship product – Fractal Friday! Click on each image to see it full size. These are window captures at screen resolution; our final product will also support higher resolutions and larger sizes. This first collection was … Read moreFractal Friday! 2019.11.15

Polar graph rendering

More images from our flagship product prototype… polar graph rendering is in! Here are a few results of prototype output. These examples all use the zoom iterator to re-draw the graph multiple times, and I’ve also now hooked up color iterators used to render the plot lines. This one iterates the color’s brightness from dark … Read morePolar graph rendering

Prototype images – fun with iterator objects

Here are some screen captures (also on our Instagram and Facebook feeds) from the flagship work-in-progress. Today I was working on the idea of an iterator object which is an abstraction of repeated drawing with some incremental parameter change. The prototype has two iterator objects applied – one applies a gradual zoom to the target … Read morePrototype images – fun with iterator objects