Scalar fields for gradients and other graphic patterns

The Mathaesthetics flagship app will support a number of modes of mathematical image creation. I spent most of yesterday working on and improving the scalar field renderer. In a scalar field, a function f(x, y) produces a value for each point. This scalar value is then mapped to a color gradient. I’m exploring both different … Read moreScalar fields for gradients and other graphic patterns

Painting with Trigonometry

I’m excited to share today’s image generated from the application under development: It’s a pretty organic background-pattern sort of texture, but it highlights a few cool things about the app, which is focused on creating beautiful images with mathematical techniques. First, the brush strokes! All of these strokes are ‘points’ drawn with an extra-wide calligraphy … Read morePainting with Trigonometry

Flavors of static: random distributions and noise

It’s day one of noise generation in our flagship product! There are many ways to generate visual noise; our first algorithm is a simple static pixel generator. For these examples I’m generating a random integer from 0 to 255 and using that value to calculate a color on the gradient between two colors (here, blue … Read moreFlavors of static: random distributions and noise

Strawberry vector fields forever

My new vector field renderer prototype is chugging along, and combined with hooking up .png output to the app I was able to make a couple of little animations with it. The vector function is a combination of trig and exponentiation (mixing up x and y to keep things interesting across the plane). These animated … Read moreStrawberry vector fields forever

Prototype images – fun with iterator objects

Here are some screen captures (also on our Instagram and Facebook feeds) from the flagship work-in-progress. Today I was working on the idea of an iterator object which is an abstraction of repeated drawing with some incremental parameter change. The prototype has two iterator objects applied – one applies a gradual zoom to the target … Read morePrototype images – fun with iterator objects